Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ran 3.5 miles this afternoon after work, was only going to run 3 but I was just running the neighbor hood in town and went alittle to far. I'm gonna try to get one more run in before my race but Kacey has ballgames everynight so we'll see. I'm excited and ready to go.

Cindy--great job, have you walked at Newman Field anymore. Did you ever look up the Couch to 5k workout. It's time to get started.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Well got my last 5 mile run in. Now I just have a couple of short runs this week and then its race day. I'm really excited, I think Tina and I are going to have a great time. I'm not injured (thank god) and I feel like I have put in all my training miles so now I just have to hope I get up next Sat. morning feeling great and strong.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Got a great 5 miler in last night. It was warm but breezy. I can't decide if I want to wear my fuel belt for the half or use the water stops. I have to think on it. I'm on my way to Owensboro for Kaceys game.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Didn't do anything yesterday, I'm on my way out the door right now to go run 5 miles. Its warm out, hope the sun goes down.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

It has been another busy week. Thurs. I did 5 miles in Robards, it was hot but I had a really good run. Didn't get time to do anything Friday, you know the Tri-Fest and all, Sat. it rained . This morning I got a 10 miler in. I didn't get started until 11 o'clock and it was kinda hot, but the sun went behind the clouds and that helped. Ran a 9:36 pace. I hope I can do the whole 13 miles at that pace in 2 weeks. Tina ran 3 miles and then got on her bike and kept me company while I finished my run. That helped. Won't have time to run tomorrow or Tues. Kacey has ballgames. Hope to get a good run in on Wed. Tick- Tock it's only 2 weeks until my run in Indy. I'm excited and ready to go. Renee got moved out to Robards so she will be running again soon.
Melissa ran in Corydon this morning and Marganna ran last night. I think we are all on track.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Well it's monday. I did a Firm video (45 min) yesterday and my legs are so sore today. I went ahead and went running this afternoon since I knew I wouldn't have time the next 2 days. It wasn't a very good run. My legs were exhausted. I went ahead and stopped at 3 miles. Hope to get at least 5 in on Thursday.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gosh its been a busy week. Got a 5 mile run in on Wed. and then I ran the tri-fest 5k this morning. Marganna and I finished in 28:57 and Melissa finished in 36:02. Tina had to work. It has been a long week, I didn't get home until almost 10 everynight and it was stressful with Kacey trying out and all. Oh well, now all we have to do is wait to see if she made it on Tuesday. Hope to get another run in tomorrow and back on track next week. I have alittle bit of a cough going on but nothing to bad. Hope it goes away before my half.

Cindy--good job, girl you are doing great. You will be doing 5k's with me in no time.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Been super busy, Kacey had ballgames in Owensboro Mon. night, cheer tryouts the rest of the week, I did a video this morning and hope to get a run in tomorrow. Don't know when I'll be back on.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Got up this morning and did a some Yoga, it felt great, kinda stretched everything out. I have a very busy schedule this week so I don't know when I'll get to run next.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

YIPEE!!!!!! I got 11 miles done this morning in 1 hour 50 min. and 14 sec. I had a great run. I got there at 10 and did the first 6 miles by myself and then Marganna fell right in when I came around the loop and finished with me. She did 5 miles. Tina did 5 miles and Melissa did 3 miles. It was a beautiful day, I've rested up and feel great. Can't wait till I get to do my 1/2

Friday, April 4, 2008

Took a rest day today, it was gloomy and raining. Just laid around most of the day didn't do much. I'm going to town now to meet Tina, Marganna, and Melissa for a girls night out. Gosh I need it. We are going to Cheeseburgers in Paridise. I've never been there but Marganna says they have draft Micolob Ultr at 32 degrees. Thats got my name all over it. Then we are going to the movie to see Run Fatboy Run.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Got up this morning, it was rainy and yucky out so I did a 45 min. video. Then if was off to Evansville with the girls. We didn't get home till about 4 o'clock but we had a good time.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Gosh it was beautiful out today. I met with Marganna and Melissa at 11 o'clock for a run. Marganna and I ran together, her goal was 7 miles. I knew i was going to push her to see if she could go alittle further. She ended up going 7.5 miles and I stopped a 8. We found a comfortable pace and had a great run. Melissa, bless her heart had to run by herself since Tina had to work but she did 5 miles. I am so proud of her. Cindy is doing great and so is Kristan. You never know we might get a running group together yet. I would love to get a training group together so I didn't have to go to evansville all summer.
After our run, we showered and went to Evansville, We ate mexican, did a little shopping and had a really good time. I ended up bringing home a dozen Krispy Cremes. What was I thinking. Anyway, tomorrow its back to Evansville with the girls for alittle shopping.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Took a rest day today, I'm off the rest of the week so I plan on running in the morning, hopefully gettina a fairly long run in since I'm going out Friday night and I won't feel like running Sat.