Monday, March 31, 2008

It was really nice out today but windy. I was going to wait till tomorrow to run and see if the wind died down but Melissa called and I met her at Marganna's house right after work. We did 3 miles. It was some hills, so I think we got a good workout.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Got up this morning feeling really good. My legs were still alittle sore from the firm video I did Friday but it was a good sore. I did a 30 min. yoga video and some pushups. I am so glad my shins have healed up and everything seems to be back to normal. Rain is in the forecast for the next few days but I'm hoping I can get a run in tomorrow or Tues.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Got up this morning, knowing I had my 10 miler to get done today. Checked outside and it was overcast, kinda cold and the wind was blowing. I had almost decided to wait until later in the day but then I thought, Sheila, get off your lazy ass and get it done, nobody is going to do it for you. So I bundled up and off I went. I did 10 miles in 1 hour 35 min. I decided to run without music today, just to see if I could keep a pretty good pace. I had my music with me and my headphones on just in case. Well I set off at a comfortable pace, deciding not to look at my pace until at least mile 8. I did fine until about mile 9 then I hit my wall. I flipped on the music for the last mile, but truthfully it just annoyed me more than anything. I couldn't find a song that worked for me. Well by the time I kept scanning songs, I realized I only had about a 1/2 mile to go so I just focused and did it.
My goal for this 1/2 in May is to run the entire 13 miles. On my first half last April, Sondi and I had already trained and planned on using walk breaks. We ran one mile, walked 1 min. The second half I did, I was running with Julie and our plan was to run as far as we could without taking walk breaks. I made it to mile 9. So this time my goal is really not to finish faster then the last one, I was very satisfied with my time. I just want to be able to say I ran the whole 13.1 miles. It is a mental thing I know, I just have to get past the wall when it hits.
Well enough rambling for tonight.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I was off work again today, GM and American Axle need to get their butts back to work, but anyway, I was going to try to get my 10 mile long run in today but burrrrr its cold outside and windy. After the beautiful days we had the last couple of days, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I did do a strength training video though and it felt great. I know how important strength training is but it gets pushed aside so often when I don't have the time. I'm really gonna focus on trying to stay on track with at least 2 videos a week. Indy is coming up in 5 weeks. I'm so excited.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It was beautiful out today, I ran 5 miles at Newman Field after work. My legs were kinda heavy but still had a good run. I did notice that my quads were fatigued. I have to get back to doing my strength work.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gosh, it was a busy weekend. Lets see Sat. I didn't do anything, had a few to many the night before and when I got up it was cold and windy out so I went back to bed. Sun. I ran 3 miles on Johns Steele. Those hills are killers. Haven't done anything since. I was going to run today but with 40 mile an hour winds, I think I'll wait for tomorrow.
I talked to Kristan and Cindy Sat. and I think I have talked them into trying to do a 5k at the end of May. I gave them this blog and my e-mail so we'll see what happens. Tina ran with me Sun. and Melissa and Marganna ran last night at the North's track.
Hope to get a good run in tomorrow.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Didn't do anything on Tues. and Wed. It was raining both days. I didn't have to work Thurs or Fri. Got up Thurs. morning and had the house all to myself. Cleaned house and then about 11 I decided to go running. I ended up doing my long run 9 miles in 1 hour 22 min. I have a 2 1/2 mile loop up in Robards that is flat and not alot of traffic. I decided not to look at my Garmin until I had gone around 3 times. I wasn't going to worry about my speed, I was just going to find a comfortable pace and put in the distance. Well on my third time around there was a train on the tracks so I just keep going straight until 7.5 miles and then turned around and headed back. My goal when I set out was 8 miles but got 9 in. When I got done, and checked out my speed per mile I was really pleased. It was beautiful out, 50 degrees, sunshine and no wind. Tina ran at Newman Field after work and did 4 miles. I haven't heard from Melissa and Marganna. Renee e-mailed me, but I didn't check my mail till this morning. She's going running today, I told her to call me I may go if she's not going to far. I wouldn't mind doing John Steele today. Easter really snuck up on me this year. It seems like its really early this year. Oh well, hope it doesn't rain.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Took Sunday off and ran today at Newman Field. Forgot my Garmin at home but knew how many times to go around. Was aiming for 5 miles but Melissas showed up so I figured I'd run until she got done. Ended up going 6 miles and then I ran 1/2 mile with her to finish up her run. It felt great. My shins are al most back to normal. Thank God. Tina also ran 4 miles this afternoon, haven't heard from Marganna. I can't believe Good Friday snuck up on me. I didn't even realize I was off Friday until I got to work today. Thats great, only 3 mores days to go. Rains on the way, so probably won't get to run tomorrow.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

here are a coupe of pics of the 4 of us on the ST. Patricks Day 7k
We had a great 7k run this morning. We were worried about rain and it was cold but still turned out to be an awesome run. Marganna and I ran together and Melissa and Tina ran together. We started out pacing ourselves, our first mile was 10:19. Our goad was to finish with an overall pace of 10:oo our under so we knew we needed to pick up the pace. Our following miles were
mile 2---9:27
mile 3---9:21
mile 4---9:27
.4-------3:03 Our final time was 42:13 with an average pace of 9:31.

It started raining on us after the first mile but it wasn't a hard rain and it didn't really bother us until we hit cobblestone in the last mile. It was really uneven and kinda slick so that was alittle tough but I really loved the course. Tina and Melissa came in at 57:42. They did great also.
I hadn't done a race since Oct. and I had forgotton had good it felt. Bummer that we didn't win the 1000 drawing but maybe one of these days. They have a Colon Cancer run coming up soon, I think we are going to do that one also.
I wore my old running shoes, didn't use my shin guard or tape and did fine. I had alittle ankle and shin pain when I was done but it went away and I iced them when I got home just in case.
I picked up two pair of Status at Shoe Carnival last night and I'm gonna try them next week.
Renee was at the race also, but she did talk to me much. I think she came in at 45 min so she did really good too.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Had a great run today in my old shoes. Did John Steele, 3 miles in 26:55. It felt great. Tina, Melissa, Marganna and I are going to the Olive Garden to carb load tomorrow night after we pick up our packets. I hope its not raining Sat. morning, I want Melissa and Marganna to really enjoy their run after all the hard work they have done.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I have a much better post for today. First of all it was 72 degrees this afternoon. No wind, it felt wonderful. I went back to my old shoes, wore my shin guard and ran 3 miles without any problems. Should have ran further but man it was kinda hot out there. Sun was blaring down on my, I was sweating. Gonna take a few of those runs to get used to warm weather again. I also didn't set any water out, and I was thirsty. All in all I still say it was a good run. Got my 7k Sat. and it looks like rain. This might get interesting. Gonna try to get back on track next week with my long runs.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Well, my legs were feeling better today so I decided to try to run alittle after work. That didn't work, I only made it a mile. Everything from the knees down was on fire. I was so upset when I got home I called Swift Athletic to see what they thought. They think its just the adjustment to the new shoes and after a shower and walking around awhile all the pain went away. My shin is feeling so much better but I was still so discouraged that I can't run. Tomorrow I'm just going to walk, jog alittle and see how it goes. Hope things get better soon, or I won't even be able to do the race Sat.

Monday, March 10, 2008

God, my lower legs and ankles are so tight and sore today. I can't believe how the difference in stability in your shoes works your legs so different. Really pissed off because I didn't get to go running this afternoon. I just didn't think my shins would take it. On a positive note my major pain in my shin is gone and it is just overall soreness, shins, calves and ankles. Hopefully I get everything straightened out soon. I have found that I binge when I'm having a bad day. I was so bad about my legs I just couldn't seem to control my eating at all. Oh well, what can you do, tomorrow is another day. Gonna go ice down my legs before I go to bed. Hopefully I won't be so bitchy tomorrow.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Went running this afternoon in Robards. I had a bit of a stomach ache and wasn't feeling the best but wanted to try out my new shoes. They did ok, I had a little bit of calve tightness but I think that will go away once I get used to the new shoes. I stopped at 3 miles, didn't want to push it. Melissa and Tina did their practice 7k. They had a really good run. The weather was just right. No wind, and about 50 degrees.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

took another rest day today. Went to Evansville and got some new running shoes from Swift Athletic. I am struggling with my shins so Grant put me in a Mizuno Wave Elixir 3 instead of my usual Asic. I'm kinda worried, I've always wore Asics. He told me to just do a couple of easy runs this week and let everything get used to alittle more stability so thats what I'm going to do. I really like the way they fit, they are so light weight and are nice and snug. I just don't want to correct one problem and have another. I still have flash backs from my ITB issues last summer. It is so wierd that as soon as I went to a neutral shoe it cleared up. I'm hoping that these new shoes will clear up my shins. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm gonna do a practice 7k with Marganna, Melissa, and Tina tomorrow in anticipation of our race next Sat. I think Melissa is stressing out because she doesn't think she can go the distance. Well tomorrow I'm gonna show her she can. Tina will be taking her on a route that ends at 4.5 miles. Theres no way to get back to the car unless she runs or walks. Hope its not to windy. Last Sun. the wind on 283 was horrible.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I was going to try to get a few more miles in today since snow is on the way AGAIN. but my legs were alittle heavy from yesterday and my shin is feeling so much better I didn't want to push it. Did some yoga this afternoon and pushups. God I'm glad tomorrows Friday. It's been a long week.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It was a beautiful day out today. 49 degrees and no wind. I decided to try to do my long run so I wouldn't have to do it Sat. when the high is supposed to be 32 degrees. I started out slow and easy and got into my zone and did it. I ran 8 miles. I can't believe I had such a great run after working all day. I thought Tina and Melissas would show up (at Newman Field) before I got done, but neither did. I called Tina and come to find out she was home sick today. Melissa had a meeting in Evansville and was running late but she did manage to get 2 miles in before it got dark. My shin feels so much better, thank god. I was so tired of fighting this shin pain. My eating has been really good again this week and I can tell a difference in my pants so thats nice. Now I just have to get my butt in gear and start tanning. There just isn't enough hours in the day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It was raining again today so I did a 50 min. video. My shin is feeling alot better. Got my newsletter about the indy 500 1/2 and it was stating again about no headphones including ipods. Thats gonna be tough, I'm running by myself and it will be hard to stay focused without my music. I think I will take it with just in case and take them out right before the finish line so they won't show up on the finish photos.

Monday, March 3, 2008

It's monday and my butt is dragging. I took the day off. My right leg was so stiff when I got up this morning, but after walking (let me rephrase that) hobbling around for about 15 min. it loosened up. I had a great weekend running wise and with my eating. I'd like to get another 9 lbs off by the indy 500 mini.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Woke up to another beautiful day. Marganna and I ran 5 miles in Robards and Tina and Melissa ran 3. It was windy but about 65 degrees. I wore my shin guard and did ok. Melissa's knees are bothering her alittle, I hope its just the switch from treadmill running to outside running.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Yesterday I went to the Y and did 30 min. on the elliptical. This morning it was beautiful out, Tina and I ran in Robards. I did 7 miles and Tina did 5 miles. It felt great. My shins are sore, so I called Swift Athletic to make sure they had my size in and I'm going to get new running shoes next Sat. All in all, it was a great run.