Saturday, March 29, 2008

Got up this morning, knowing I had my 10 miler to get done today. Checked outside and it was overcast, kinda cold and the wind was blowing. I had almost decided to wait until later in the day but then I thought, Sheila, get off your lazy ass and get it done, nobody is going to do it for you. So I bundled up and off I went. I did 10 miles in 1 hour 35 min. I decided to run without music today, just to see if I could keep a pretty good pace. I had my music with me and my headphones on just in case. Well I set off at a comfortable pace, deciding not to look at my pace until at least mile 8. I did fine until about mile 9 then I hit my wall. I flipped on the music for the last mile, but truthfully it just annoyed me more than anything. I couldn't find a song that worked for me. Well by the time I kept scanning songs, I realized I only had about a 1/2 mile to go so I just focused and did it.
My goal for this 1/2 in May is to run the entire 13 miles. On my first half last April, Sondi and I had already trained and planned on using walk breaks. We ran one mile, walked 1 min. The second half I did, I was running with Julie and our plan was to run as far as we could without taking walk breaks. I made it to mile 9. So this time my goal is really not to finish faster then the last one, I was very satisfied with my time. I just want to be able to say I ran the whole 13.1 miles. It is a mental thing I know, I just have to get past the wall when it hits.
Well enough rambling for tonight.

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