Friday, March 21, 2008

Didn't do anything on Tues. and Wed. It was raining both days. I didn't have to work Thurs or Fri. Got up Thurs. morning and had the house all to myself. Cleaned house and then about 11 I decided to go running. I ended up doing my long run 9 miles in 1 hour 22 min. I have a 2 1/2 mile loop up in Robards that is flat and not alot of traffic. I decided not to look at my Garmin until I had gone around 3 times. I wasn't going to worry about my speed, I was just going to find a comfortable pace and put in the distance. Well on my third time around there was a train on the tracks so I just keep going straight until 7.5 miles and then turned around and headed back. My goal when I set out was 8 miles but got 9 in. When I got done, and checked out my speed per mile I was really pleased. It was beautiful out, 50 degrees, sunshine and no wind. Tina ran at Newman Field after work and did 4 miles. I haven't heard from Melissa and Marganna. Renee e-mailed me, but I didn't check my mail till this morning. She's going running today, I told her to call me I may go if she's not going to far. I wouldn't mind doing John Steele today. Easter really snuck up on me this year. It seems like its really early this year. Oh well, hope it doesn't rain.

1 comment:

Laura N said...

Wow, AWESOME pace! Very nice run. It was beautiful on Thursday, I wished I'd have gotten to run. Hope you have a great Easter weekend. Yes, it's way too early this year. The daffodils are barely even blooming yet.