Thursday, January 31, 2008

Today I did a 45 min. video called Firm #4. I went heavy on the weights and felt great. Snows on the way, wonder how much we'll get.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Gosh its been a busy weekend. Lets see, Sunday I got up and did a 60 min strength training video. Came in and seen that I had missed a call from Melissa. She and Marganna were getting ready to go running. Changed clothes really quick and went to meet them to run. I ran with Marganna for the first time and we did really well together. We did three miles.
Sunday evening I decided it was time to get my 1/2 marathon schedule ready the the indy 500 mini on May 3rd. Typed it all out and have it hanging on my fridge. I plan on running twice thru the week for 5 miles each time and then a long run on Sat or Sun.
I took Monday off, my legs were so sore from the video followed by running. Tuesday I did the video that Tina picked out, Super Cardio Sculpt and then did some additional upper body.
Today I came home and jumped on the treadmill. Tina and I have decided we are going to do a min. of 60 min. on the threadmill. So what I did was when I got to 60 min. if I was .5 or more I would keep going to the next mile. If I was under 1/2 mile I would stop. Well I was at 5.5 so I continued on to 6 miles for a total of 68 min on the treadmill. I cooled down for 3 min. I then did alittle stomach work. I feel great today.
Had a major fat day yesterday but feel better today. In fact all I had for supper was a bowl of all bran cereal and some toast. Well now I'm off to do my taxes, hope I get some money back.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Got up this morning and was supposed to go to the Y with a friend to run. Well she called and she said she couldn't make it so I decided to brave the cold and head outside for a run. It was kinda windy and so cold but I told myself that I would just do 1 mile and stop but once I got started I had a great run. I ran 3 miles.
I've just been in a shitty mood all day, PMS I guess.
Plan on doing a strength training video tomorrow.

Friday, January 25, 2008

It has been a busy week, haven't got time to blog. Lets see Tuesay I did weight training, Wed. I did 3 miles on the treadmill. Didn't have a good run, I think I started out to fast. I was bound and determined to have a good run so it was back on the treadmill on Thursday for 4 miles. I was feeling good and would like to have gone further but I had to get ready. Me and 3 of my friends went to see Spirit of a Marathon. It was awesome. The theater was packed with runners and cheering and clapping. It was so motivating. I don't know if I'll ever try a full marathon but after watching this documentary, its temping to try it.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh my gosh, after taking 4 days off from running and exercising, it was rough today. I ran 3 miles outside 38 degrees and windy, on hills. I have been doing the treadmill the last couple of weeks and I guess I had lost some of my conditioning for the cold, since its so warm at the Y. I really had alot of trouble with my breathing going against the cold wind. I've never had this problem before, but of course last year I ran outside the whole winter. I had a running partner then and it was alot easier. Its hard making yourself get out there in the bitter cold by yourself.
My daughter did well in Indy, and overall we had a really good time, although I was tired today at work.

Friday, January 18, 2008

It's been a hectic week, took wed. off and did 5 miles at the Y on Thursday. Now we are off to Indianapolis for my dd cheer competion. Won't be back till Sun. Hope to get a run in while I'm gone but we're gonna be busy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Did a strength training video this morning, my shin is alittle sore from the video I did sunday. It had alot of plyometic jumps in it. I heard they are good for strengthening the legs.
I'm trying to decide when and which training schedule I'm going to follow for my 1/2 on May 3rd.
I would like to get up to 15 miles before my 1/2. When I did my half in Evansville last year my longest run was 11 miles. I really felt like I ran out of gas the last couple of miles. It was probably just a mind thing but I'd like to know I could do 15, then I would be more confident in the 13.1

Monday, January 14, 2008

I woke up this morning to snow, I was suprised I didn't know it was supposed to snow. Left alittle early for work and its a good thing. The roads were slick.

It was still coming down alittle when I got off work, so I went to the Y and did 5 miles on the treadmill. Started off kinda tough, my legs were sore frome yesterday but ended up good. I felt great when I got done

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Burr!!! it got cold again. It's snowing today, not much but still snowing. I did a video this morning. It was 67 min. long and tough. I'm really trying to get my crosstraining in there. Its so hard to find the time for everything.

I feel so much stronger than I did when I was just running, I think the muscle gain has also helped when I run the hills.

It's just a lazy ole sunday, gonna go see whats on TV

Saturday, January 12, 2008

had a great run today

Oh my gosh, I had an awesome run today. It was about 39 degrees, very little wind. I ran 4 miles with hills. Its a 7 mile loop, and one of these days I would love to do the whole 7 miles of hills but they are monster hills.

I didn't do anything again yesterday, I was just exhausted. I know it was because I have dropped my calories so much and I ate more yesterday and feel so much better today.

I'm going to try to eat healthy and watch my portions. I'm not gonna worry myself to death about these 8 lbs I've gained. I know if I follow the basic principles of healthy eating and keep on running the lbs will come off.

I just left a post for Laura telling her we need to remember that we are healthy and fit, I need to remember that myself.

Well its off to the grocery store and maybe rent some movies for tonite.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

not enough time in the day

It doesn't look like I'm going to have time to do anything today, have to take dd to a game. Oh well, I'm just going to enjoy my rest day. I feel like I could use it. Its been a long week, have been really tired. I think I'm going to up my calories just alittle and see if that helps

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It was a beautiful day today after all the ugly weather we had yesterday. I did c25k week 2day1 with a co-worker and the did 3 miles on my own. I would have liked to do more but had to pick up my daughter from cheer practice. My eating has been really good today. 1150 calories for today.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's a lazy ole day

Well it is warm 62 degrees, but very windy and stormy. Would have loved to go running today but guess it will have to wait for tomorrow. Took today as a rest day. I didn't sleep well last night and I'm tired. My eating has been on track today but I have been hungry, I think its the weather. I'd like to curl up in front of the tv and eat some comfort food.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Jan. is off and running

Hi, my name is Sheila. I am 41 years old, have been married 23 years and have one daughter.
I am trying to lose a few pounds and complete a 1/2 marathon on May 3rd in Indianapolis.
I started back eating healthy on Jan 1st and have done good so far. I currently count my calories and/or points. (Weight Watchers). I try to stay between 18 and 20 points a day or 1200 to 1300 calories. I am currently at 134 lbs and am 5'2". My goal is to get down to 124 but April first.
Yesterday I ran 5 miles on the treadmill and another 2 miles outside. I had 1170 calories

Today I did a Firm workout video called fat blaster. I have had 1250 calories today.
Monday wasn't to bad.