Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh my gosh, after taking 4 days off from running and exercising, it was rough today. I ran 3 miles outside 38 degrees and windy, on hills. I have been doing the treadmill the last couple of weeks and I guess I had lost some of my conditioning for the cold, since its so warm at the Y. I really had alot of trouble with my breathing going against the cold wind. I've never had this problem before, but of course last year I ran outside the whole winter. I had a running partner then and it was alot easier. Its hard making yourself get out there in the bitter cold by yourself.
My daughter did well in Indy, and overall we had a really good time, although I was tired today at work.

1 comment:

Laura N said...

Ooh brrrr. I won't run outside when it's this cold or windy. 38* doesn't sound that bad until you throw in the wind, and then it is too cold. So don't feel bad about a tough run. At least you went out there and did it. Hope you are having a good week!