Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It was a beautiful day out today. 49 degrees and no wind. I decided to try to do my long run so I wouldn't have to do it Sat. when the high is supposed to be 32 degrees. I started out slow and easy and got into my zone and did it. I ran 8 miles. I can't believe I had such a great run after working all day. I thought Tina and Melissas would show up (at Newman Field) before I got done, but neither did. I called Tina and come to find out she was home sick today. Melissa had a meeting in Evansville and was running late but she did manage to get 2 miles in before it got dark. My shin feels so much better, thank god. I was so tired of fighting this shin pain. My eating has been really good again this week and I can tell a difference in my pants so thats nice. Now I just have to get my butt in gear and start tanning. There just isn't enough hours in the day.

1 comment:

Laura N said...

Yay for 8 miles! Great job.

We are expecting more snow tonight and tomorrow, maybe 3-6 inches. I hope to goodness they are wrong.

I signed up for the 7K on 3/15. I hope the weather is better by then.