Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Yesterday, I did a 30 min upper body video. I headed back to the Y today hoping my shin would do better. Yesterday as painful as I knew it would be I used the roller on my shin. It was painful but I think it actually broke up the knot that was there. I did 8 miles on the treadmill this afternoon with no problem. I did do something different this time. Instead of just steadily increasing my speed every mile. I did interval training. I started out at a very easy pace, worked up to my fast speed and then when I hit a new mile, I went back down to my easy pace and worked back up. I keep doing this the whole 8 miles and felt great when I got done. I think I could have easily done more but didn't want to do to much.


Laura N said...

I'm glad your shin is better! Those foam rollars I hear can work miracles, even if they hurt like the devil.

Great job on the 8 miles. I really like to alternate my pace on the treadmill just like you did. It's what keeps the miles interesting on the hamster wheel. =)

You are doing so great with your milage. Hope the ice doesn't get you too badly today. It's already slick here and it's only 10 a.m.

Sally JPA said...

Interval training is probably my favorite kind.