Thursday, February 28, 2008

Yeah, I got to run outside this afternoon. I ran 5 miles and it was a great run. I have been struggling so much the last few weeks with my shins so I was really worried about my run today since I haven't ran outside in almost 3 weeks. Well the first 1/4 of a mile my shins were stiff but then they loosened up and I had a great run. I'm so glad, I guess it is the treadmill causing my shin trouble. I just think my gait is so different on the treadmill and I also run soooo much slower on the treadmill. Its almost March so surely its going to warm up, I'm going to try to stick to outside running from now on. When I go to the Y I'll just do the elliptical. Thats the plan anyway, we'll see, its supposed to rain all next week.

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